My short-term focus is citizenship, and it is OK not to get enough
time to do competitive-programming or other studies about software
- Zero Second Thinking
- printed out SSS
- Asked my parents to transfer their car insurance
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications
- Algolia
vs Elasticsearch vs Meilisearch vs Typesense
- Although the comparision may be unfiar as Typesense provides the
page, it was good to know that Typesense provides such powerful
- (Civics Questions)
1 hours walk
- Call the insurance agent (20250115)
- Send a message to USCIS (202501120)
- 2044E, F
- 2048D
- Smog test
- Ask my parents to transfer the ownership of my car
- Naturalization Interview (20250207)
index 20250112 20250114