- Zero Second Thinking
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications
- It’s getting harder and harder to digest the contents
- Read Commited: no dirty reads, no dirty
- Snapshot Isolation: no read skew (an example of
nonrepeatable read)
- Serializable Isolation: the strongest serialization level that also
prevents write skew and phantoms
- Serial Execution
- Two-Phase Locking (2PL): Lock records that may result in conflicts
between transactions. checks beforehand
- Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI): Contrary to Two-Phase
Locking, transactions continue anyway, and the database checks if they
cause problems when they are commited. They will be aborted if the
checks fail. checks afterwards
- Civics Questions
1 hours walk
- 2044E, F
- 2048D
- Smog test
- Ask my parents to transfer the ownership of my car
- Naturalization Interview (20250207)
index 20250111 20250113