worked hard and made many decisions today. I'm sleepy… but better post this entry before going to bed.
I was asked to add as many logs as possible to make it easier to troubleshoot, but I wondered if it would cost a lot.
A log is a text-based record of activity generated by an operating system, an application, or by other sources. Datadog charges for ingested logs based on the total number of gigabytes submitted to the Datadog Logs service. A log event is a log that is indexed by the Datadog Logs service. Datadog charges per million log events submitted for indexing at the rate designated for the retention policy you selected.
Ingest: STARTING AT $0.10 Per ingested or scanned GB, per month
Conclusion: I should add only meaningful logs to reduce the cost.
GitHub: About billing for GitHub Actions
It seems there are too many conditions to understand before falling asleep, but
For private repositories, each GitHub account receives a certain amount of free minutes and storage for use with GitHub-hosted runners, depending on the account’s plan. Any usage beyond the included amounts is controlled by spending limits.
Plan: GitHub Team, Storage: 2GB, Minutes (per month): 3000
If your account's usage surpasses these limits and you have set a spending limit above $0 USD, you will pay $0.008 USD per GB of storage per day and per-minute usage depending on the operating system used by the GitHub-hosted runner. GitHub rounds the minutes and partial minutes each job uses up to the nearest whole minute.
So, I can run GitHub Actions
3000 minutes per month ~= 1000 minutes per day ~= 16.7 hours per day across all repositories
without extra fees. It seems we don't reach the limit for the time being.
If our organization becomes bigger, I might want to think about making each CI tests on PR small and running complete tests periodically (infrequently).
I just got to know the blog They seem to be very insightful. Maybe I better check that out constantly.
Sushi 800 Lunchable 300 yogurt 300 Bubble tea 400
Total 1800 kcal