I could not sleep very well last night, but I don’t feel exhausted.
I get really tired at the end of the day.
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications
- When developing real-time systems in airplanes, cars, and other
safety-critical embedded systems, we must use programming languages that
offer real-time guarantees.
- One of the options is Rust.
- Garbage collection (GC) is a critical challenge in achieving
real-time guarantees because garbage collectors typically pauses
processes in unpredictable ways.
- Stop-the-World pauses
- Non-Deterministic execution time
- Uncontrollable scheduling
- (I haven’t done many researches yet) CPython seems to mitigate the
“stop-the-world” GC pauses by reference counting, but still it pauses
when scanning cyclic references.
- It’s obvious in hindsight, but the needs for real-time guarantees in
embedded systems are new to me (web developers)
- Time-of-Day clocks are used to provide the current date and time,
referring to a clock in a computer, while monotonic clocks are used to
measure intervals by leveraging its characteristic: it only moves
forward (time return by Time-of-Day clocks can go backward).
- TCP vs UDP (reliability vs variability of delays)
- Because internet traffic can burst, allocating the right amount of
bandwidth is challenging and is not efficient in terms of resource
usage. The differences between requirements of the internet and ones of
phone calls resulted in the different approaches to direct
- When a node does not respond, others cannot tell what exactly the
problem with the node is.
- Byzantine Faults: nodes might lie. In most cases, we can assume that
nodes don’t lie, but there are some scenarios addressing Byazntine
Generals Problem. One example is systems used in the space; a computer’s
memory or CPU may be corrupted by radiation.
- ordered Beats Pill
- I’m trying to recreate the atmosphere of a cafe at home
- I will also get a plant
- journaling (zero second thinking)
- worked very hard
- migrated and cleaned configuration files for my Mastodon server
- Summarize/review the chapter 8 of Desining Data-Intensive
- 2044E, F
- Oath Ceremony (20250220)
- catch up with Patrick (20250220)
- Create a TurboTax account (20250222)
- haircut
- live plants for my desk, probably Pothos
- Tax Return (20250415)
index 20250210 20250212