I will take some breaks this week
- sent a message to the insurance agent
- Zero Second Thinking
- read “パーティーが終わり、中年が始まる”
- Everything’s vivid when we are young, but as we get older, the
picture lose colors.
- The balance of what I can relate to and the author’s new perspective
is incredible.
- (Civics Questions)
60 minutes jog, bench press
- Call the insurance agent if they don’t respond (20250116)
- Buy a robot vacuum (20250116)
- Summary: Designing Data-Intensive Applications Chapter 7:
- Send a message to USCIS (202501120)
- 2044E, F
- 2048D
- Smog test
- Ask my parents to transfer the ownership of my car
- Naturalization Interview (20250207)
- Make a doctor appointment (20250208)
index 20250114 20250116