- 0秒思考
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications
- The implementation of snapshot isolation
- I might want to skip the details
- to achieve read-committed, previous values are stored. To support
snapshot isolation, multi-version of values are stored. In the sense,
the implementation of snapshot isolation is considered as an extension
of the implementation of the read-commited.
- Because snapshot isolation maintains several versions of an object
side by side, this technique is known as multi-version concurrency
control (MVCC).
- Civics Questions
I passed out early today.
30 minutes run, 30 minutes walk, lat pulldown, bench press, kettle
lift, arm curl
- 2044E, F
- 2048D
- Smog test
- Ask my parents to transfer the ownership of my car
- Naturalization Interview (20250207)
index 20250109 20250111