Today is too productive. I wonder if I will burn out soon (though I have no idea how to rest).
(It’s a bit embarrassing that I don’t have any experience managing big (large amount of) data. Because of the lack of hands-on exposure, the content of this book feels unfamiliar to me. Still, skimming it should be helpful in the future, providing me with some starting points for tackling data storage challenges.)
Replication is a technique to replicate data across multiple machines to place data closer to users geographically, have some tolerance for server down, and scale out the number of machines that serve for read requests.
These are the main approaches for replication that the author mentions in this chapter.
When replication happens asynchronously, a client may read outdated data from an asynchronous follower. However, asynchronous followers should catch up with their leader at some point, and the effect is called eventual consistency.
Guarantees in leader-based replication
If x
is divisible by 33, it can be reduced to 0 by
repeating x = x - 33
If x
is not divisible by 33, we can simply iterate
, remove 33
, and recursively apply the
check. At first, we have 8 positions to check for 33
, and
in the next iteration, we have 6 positions as we removed 33
somewhere. Roughly speaking, we will check
8 * 6 * 4 * 2 = 384
positions at most, and its time
complexity is not a problem here.
def solve(x: int) -> bool:
if x % 33 == 0:
return True
str = str(x)
x_str: for i in range(len(x_str) - 1):
if x_str[i : i + 2] == "33" and solve(int(x_str[:i] + x_str[i + 2 :])):
return True
return False
for _ in range(int(input())):
int = int(input())
x: if solve(x):
The idea is to distribute minimum values evenly with k intervals. We
put 1
in the middle instead of the beginning to maximize
the number of subarrays that have 1
as their minimum
for _ in range(int(input())):
= map(int, input().split())
n, k
list[int] = []
ans: int = 1
cnt: for i in range(n):
if (i + 1) % k == 0:
+ 1) // k)
ans.append((i else:
+ n // k)
ans.append(cnt += 1
print(" ".join([str(x) for x in ans]))
Let’s call the larger substring of s
the smaller one b
. When s
consists of only 1s,
XOR of any (a, b)
is smaller than a
111 xor 001 = 110 < 111
if 0
in s
, there is at least one pair of
(a, b)
whose XOR is larger than a
100 xor 010 = 110 > 100
To maximize the XOR, we should pick s
as a
and b
to turn the leftmost 0
in a
into 1
. There may be several subarrays to achieve it, and
we just need to check all possibilities.
for _ in range(int(input())):
str = input()
int = int(s, 2)
sb: int = s.find("0")
if i0 == -1:
print(f"1 {len(s)} 1 1")
int = len(s) - i0
sublen: int = -1
max_res: -1
max_i: for i in range(i0):
int = int(s[i : i + sublen], 2)
subs: if sb ^ subs > max_res:
= sb ^ subs
max_res = i
print(f"1 {len(s)} {max_i + 1} {max_i + sublen}")
_ lb
lat pulldown, bench press, 30 minutes run, 60 minutes walk