20241218 ◎

Fire And Motion - Joel on Software

Fire and movement

Fire and movement can be performed by any unit made up of at least two soldiers. The first part of the military unit suppresses the enemy by firing from behind cover, while the second advances. After a short time, the advancing unit will halt behind cover and open fire, allowing the first unit to advance. The two parts of the unit will repeat the cycle until the objective is met.

Fire and Motion is a strategy focused on continuously firing and moving forward so that opponents can’t effetively return fire, and eventually, you can take them down.

Joel uses another analogy to highlight the importance of simply getting started. Much like riding a bike, it takes significant effort to get moving, but once you’ve built up some speed, it’s much easier to maintain your momentum with less effort.

From what I understand, his main message is that the key to success is to get started (!) and keep going, even if the pace feels slow.

Fire and movement is becoming my motto.

_ lb


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