Header Used for Authentication?TL;DR: There seem to be no reason behind that.
I was confused why the “Authorization” header is used when performing Basic Authentication or API Authentication. Shouldnhey be different concepts?
request header can be used to provide credentials that authenticate a user agent with a server, allowing access to protected resources.
Authentication vs Authorization | Auth0
Authentication vs Authorization | Okta
I usually work with the Django REST framework, which provides a feature that allows permissions (authorization) to run after authentication.
Permissiosn - Django REST framework
Together with authentication and throttling, permissions determine whether a request should be granted or denied access.
It is common to have a role check along with a normal authentication.
(I haven't checked if this code block works. This is just for reference)
= {
] }
from rest_framework.permissions import BasePermission
class IsSuperUser(BasePermission):
def has_permission(self, request, view):
return request.user and request.user.is_superuser
Usually, the flow looks like this: credentials are validated (authentication) first, and then additional checks (such as role checks) work as authorization.
Authentication and authorization may be intertwined in custom permissions, but the basic flow is like the example.
I could not find any (trustworthy) resources that explain the reason.
Why is the HTTP header for Authentication called Authorization? | Stackoverflow
I assume it's a historic mistake. That’s the best answer I have (note that I’m one of the authors of the newer RFC)
HTTP authentication - the HTTP header name is Authorization - why? - StackExchange
This answer just makes sense, pointing out that the HTTP specification for headers were specified January 1997, but the first security standards were codified in 1999-2000, and the order made the inconsistency.
But, it is just one rationale, and we cannot deny that there is no direct evidence/resource.
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