My skin problems seem to be getting better, thanks to medication.
I know I should work on something productive, but I feel a bit tired
these days, maybe due to the severe skin issues… I'm not naturally
resistant to diseases.
- Deleted 20+ repositories in my GitHub account
- It was painful to delete something I had worked on, but I needed to
do that to sort out my space.
- Studied 40 questions for the Naturalization Test
- Created a pull request in my friend's repository
Protein shake 200 Chicken wings 1000 Sushi bowl 800
Total 2000 kcal
7 miles jogging, pull-ups
- Retry 2008B with a mathematical approach
- Study Disjoint Set Union
- Dentist appointment (20241029)
- Check some YouTube videos about the Naturalization Test
index 20241002 20241004