20240913 ~ 20240922: Vacation
I spent time with my wife.
- Processed documents for naturalization
- Went to Winchester Mystery House
- Went to IHOP
- Went on hiking at Almaden Quicksilver
- and went to Country Inn (Eggs benedict was tasty)
- …and more!
To be honest, I was bored killing time during vacation. I understand
vacations are important for mental/physical health in the long run, but
I can't wait to go back to coding.
The bug with my dashboard seems to be not possible to reproduce. The
web app is working fine now, so I will leave it as it is for now.
Total infinite kcal
- Study the Repository design pattern
- Retry 2008A with a mathematical approach
- Retry 2008B with a mathematical approach
- Study Disjoint Set Union
- Check RESTful API guidelines with the inventor's dissertation
index 20240912 20240923