1884B. Haunted House - 1100

n is divisible by 2 ** i <=> the i suffix bits are 0
to meet the condition, we move 0s to the right

for _ in range(int(input())):
    n: int = int(input())
    s: list[str] = list(input())

    num0: int = len([x for x in s if x == "0"])
    # it's impossible to make 0s suffix
    if num0 == 0:
        print(" ".join([str(-1) for i in range(n)]))

    # distance from the right
    # we will move the 0s to the right
    pos0: list[int] = []
    for i in range(n):
        if s[i] == "0":
            pos0.append(n - i - 1)

    # to make it easier to perform following operations
    # pos0 = pos0[::-1] also works

    # the first zero needs to go to the right most position to fill suffix with 0
    # the second zero needs to go to the n - 1 position to fill the right corner with 0s
    #   the first zero already fills the rightmost cell, so the second moves to n - 1
    # ...
    for i in range(num0):
        pos0[i] -= i

    # sum array to not repeat the same calculation
    sumarr: list[int] = [pos0[0]]
    for i in range(1, num0):
        sumarr.append(sumarr[-1] + pos0[i])

    # padding. if the number of 0s needed exceeds 0s we have, it's impossible to meet the condition
    for i in range(n - num0):

    print(" ".join([str(x) for x in sumarr]))

Kombucha 200 Protein shake 200 Salad 400 Rice 400 Mexican rice 500 Yogurt 200

Total 1900 kcal

pull-ups, 30 minutes walking, push-ups



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