I'm sleepy. luckily I don't have any meetings today. Let's make some pull requests, do push-ups, and go to bed early.
There was an issue with GitHub servers. I could not check the code of OSS online, could not read PyTorch, could not create pull requests. Is it OK to heavily rely on GitHub to that degree??
I achieved today's quota. I will solve one easy Codeforces problem, do push-ups, and go to bed.
The server had some issues, but I managed to submit my code eventually.
When I run the game in my brain, as long as the character can keep catching up to the falling coin in terms of Y-coordinate, X-axis does not matter. They can just keep moving to the left/right to be in the right spot.
n: int = int(input())
for i in range(n):
xi, yi = map(int, input().split())
if yi >= -1:
Ketone 0 mg/dl
Because my bloodline is in Vietnam, I suspect I'm not good at Keto. All kinds of Vietnamese food have rich carbohydrate, and my body might be designed for them. The problem is, most of my relatives have diabetes. My body is not good at fat-centered diet but not good at carbo-centered diet at the same time. My body only works with carbohydrate, but excessive carbohydrate would kill my body, too.
Diet has been a big problem for me through my life.
Salad 70g Protein shake 20g
Total carbohydrate 90 g
push-ups, walking, squats
I want to go jogging, but my feet have skin problems, so I cannot for the time being.