My skin has had problems. Maybe I have a nut allergy?

slept 15 hours straight (~20240810). I may be exhausted

1979B. XOR Sequences

Observation: maximum matching suffix?

Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) Editorial

Consider two numbers v and u such that x xor v = y xor u. Then consider the numbers x xor (v + 1) and y xor (u + 1). Let's look at the last bit of v and u.

We're considering arbitrary numbers that elements from both sequences match.

Possible scenarios:

I guess this means x xor (v + 1) = y for (u + 1), too.

It is clear that we need to maximize the number of zeros in the maximum matching suffix of u and v.


Obviously, this number is equal to the maximum matching suffix of x and y.


Let k be the length of the maximum matching suffic of x and y, then the answer is 2 ** k.

I think I understand the explanation 30%. I'll visit here again later to fully understand it.

0 1
2 ** 0

2 ** 0

2 ** 3

2 ** 2

2 ** 25

for _ in range(int(input())):
    x, y = map(int, input().split())

    xbin: list[str] = list(map(int, list(bin(x)[2:])))
    ybin: list[str] = list(map(int, list(bin(y)[2:])))

    # padding
    ybin = [0] * (len(xbin) - len(ybin)) + ybin
    xbin = [0] * (len(ybin) - len(xbin)) + xbin

    count: int = 0
    for i in range(len(xbin)):
        if ybin[i] != xbin[i]:
            count = 0  # I don\'t remember how I got to this solution
            count += 1

    print(2 ** count)

Ketone 5 mg/dl

Salad 40g Nuts 20g Protein shake 10g

Total carbohydrate 70 g



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